Saturday, April 16, 2011


Un. The sound of passing cars throughout the silence of the night.

Deux. Eating Chinese food on a Saturday night, while sitting Indian-style on the living room tile, while watching Disney Channel sitcoms. (I just described my past hour-ago to you.)

Trois. Cheesy intended-puns.

Quatre. Dusty dollar book stores. Public Libraries. The smell of books. The rough-yet smooth feel of book pages. I just really love anything that has to do with books in general.

Cinq. The refreshing sensation I get in my throat while drinking iced cold water.

Six. Driving to no particular destination with rolled down windows and high-volume playing music for the simplistic heck of it.

Sept. Odd enough, feet creep me out--but I can't stand socks. I love walking around barefoot.

Huit. J'aime écrire et parler en français.

Neuf.  Awkward, shy, clumsy, intelligent, interesting, eccentric people.

Dix. Learning new Vocabulary words.

Onze. Cold, right-out-of-the-fridge Arizona Iced teas. (Half lemonade-half Iced tea and Green tea with Ginseng and Honey, to be exact.) 

Douze. Watching free-online movies in the late A.M. (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Little Ashes, Good Dick, Remember Me, It's Kind of a Funny Story--if you haven't yet watched all/any of those, you definitely should.)

Treize. Breathing. Sounds silly, but I cherish the ability to breath (we all should, really). Deep inhale, slow exhale, my chest rattles a bit--there may be theological scientific reasons for it but as far as I'm concerned, breathing makes me feel better. It makes me feel--alive?

Quatorze. I love clapping my hands, tapping my feet, whistling little tunes, singing random words. It's as if  my body is an instrument--meant for me to improvise and make sweet playful music out of. The rhythmical capability a human body can possess is amazing.

Quinze. Having a chemistry-like connection with another human being. I don't get this sort of reaction too often, but when I do, it's just incredible. It's as if my body and inner pulse speak for itself. This certain person arises this strange unidentifiable sensation from within me. As a turn-out-- my face flushes in warmth, my heart-beat accelerates beyond necessity, and my stomach gets notably weak. It's similar to symptoms of illness, yet it's far from it. The eccentric feeling makes me feel well--it makes me feel a l i v e. 
I love how that feeling of magnitude towards the most unexpected person, and in some cases stranger, brings forth enough such significance-- in my particular case, to the point of a blog post worth of inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. I like cinq, six is something Ive done many time. Onze, yes Arnold Palmers or the green tea are yummy. Quatorze, I'm always moving keeping beat some how. Weirdly I drum a lot and can't play drums lol.. Quinze It's always cool to find a kindred soul
