Tuesday, June 21, 2011

All I really ask for,

is someone interesting, intriguing--
is that really too much to ask?
Are my desires sincerely too vague?
I want conversations about nothing,
about the meanings behind e v e r y t h i n g.
I want to sit in silence upon a hill that overlooks half of the city,
with a h u m a n who see's beauty in branches and stones.
h u m a n.
Is there any human out there who can appreciate my silly mind?
Who can ignore my manic heart?
If There's a human out there, s o m e w h e r e,
who will bother to read between my lines--

Where art thou?
Where art thou now?
Please, come soon. 

(and the whole 'art thou' thing is just a touch of exaggeration, by the way. C'mon, no one talks like that anymore. If Shakes were still around, he probably wouldn't either.)

x  o  x   o .

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, to be honest I just kind of stumbled upon you, figuratively of course. OK that was a lie, i looked for you on purpose. Yes it's true. At one point in my life you got into my head and i can't get you out, nor do i want to.
    That's Easier said then done i guess. They say there's someone out there for everyone. I believe that, even if maybe I haven't personally come across that person, or have I? Ever think maybe you have and missed it! That thought haunts me sometimes, so I choose to believe it hasn't happened, missed it I mean. Best advice, keep your mind open to ALL possibilities. And every once in a while when you feel you can let somebody in. From my experience, when your guard is down just a little bit, they'll like what they find.
