Sunday, June 12, 2011

m e m o i r s.

I want to capture it.
I want to capture it all.
I want to capture it all in black and white.
Your smile, the slightly visible violet creases under your eyes.
Our first time interlocking fingers
during that summer evening walk in 92'.
The city, its streetlights, the pond in Griffith park.
That time you accidentally spilled your hot tea on my woven sweater. 
The knots in your hair before getting out of bed.
The steam of our starting mornings---
coffee pot on the stove, traveling train outside our kitchen window...
Our third midnight phone-call conversation.
The rush of being young and in-run, not thinking about love--
I want to capture it, in black and white.
The moments when everything was new,
when every little thing felt exciting.
I want to capture us, our hours full of static and color,
and save them in my memory of black and white.

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