Thursday, January 26, 2012

I'm a poet at heart.
I'm a believer of love,
I believe that love can change the world one heart-beat at a time.
Nick Drake's voice makes me feel a calm beyond my own understanding.
Pimples are so annoying, I wish they didn't exist.
Zooey Deschanel is beautifully talented,
and deserves all the recognition she's getting.
Envious losers who think otherwise can suck it, and see!
(Only Arctic Monkey fans can see what I just did there.)
I for one happen to enjoy watching PBS.
In fact, I've been quite obsessed with Downton Abbey lately.
I'm infatuated with sticky notes, they are taking over my desk space!
Thrifty ice cream is the best, especially on cold January days.
"Too Little Too Late" by Department of Eagles, give it a listen.
I still can't believe I actually went to New York City,
one of my dreams come true.
Sometimes, I like closing my eyes and just taking myself back there.
Back to the endless Avenues, back to those restless nights,
The nights where I stayed up looking out the hotel rooms window.
Rainy nights, silent streets filled with movement,
larger than life buildings renounced after a day of endless bustling.
The star-replacing lights, foreign voices, foreign faces,
Central Park, Bryant Park, MOMA...
it all exists much too vividly in my memory ---

My mum's on her way home, 
Chinese take-out it is.

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