Monday, January 23, 2012

O b s e s s i o n s .

Is it healthy? normal? natural? alright? significant? pointless? We all have one at some point in out lives. In some cases, many. Either it be with an object (those pair of Doc Martens you spent half your paycheck on, that Fleetwood-Mac record you bargained at the flea-market, etc.) or in deeper connotation, emotion-driven obsessions. You know, like that one almost-embarrassing-to-tell obsession you had over that one guy from your third period English class your junior year in high school, or that one strange obsession you had over that one quiet ivory-skinned girl with the faded blue hair that you'd encounter on your weekly visits to the public library. You don't know why, or how, but it's there. That deep interest, acknowledgment, the continual thought-revolve over that object, that person, that feeling. It's there. More present than the clouds above you. How do obsessions start their ignition of taking place in our lives, where do they derive from? Interests, emotions, beliefs, obsessions...their come-and-go formations are so tangible, and so out of reach at the same time. but does that even matter? One doesn't necessarily know the exact day, minute, and second that one falls in love with another, but we know that it was in-between those days, minutes, and seconds that lead you there. You can't quite recall the reason why you stopped believing in saints, or why you stopped writing of specific topics, it just happened, and that's what it is. I guess the same goes for these secretive, much too loud, world-renounced obsessions? Where I end and you begin...both equally bound to the static of obsession. It's 1:15 AM, I'm obsessed with the time of night. I'm obsessed with words, and sounds. I'm obsessed with the thought of many, death, dreams, time, love. I'm obsessed with how a mass amount of complexity can be withheld by a simple organ-ed structure. I'm obsessed with red lipstick and my currently thrifted Marc by Marc Jacobs monster truck tee. It's 1:26 AM, and I'm both resoundingly and antonymous-ly obsessed.

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