Saturday, February 4, 2012

An occasioned thought.

So, Valentine's Day is like a week or two away (and I'm obviously not counting down the days because, well, I really don't care much for it.) The lovers are Valentines-dazed, the singles with Valentine-hate, and See's candy stores with Valentines-PAY. (I know, sounds silly. but am I right, or am I right?) I guess I'm not against V-day, but I'm not crazed over it either. Regardless the point of having a boyfriend or not. Sure, it'd be nice to get dolled up for the occasion, a fancy dinning with that one special fella...and c'mon, who doesn't like receiving roses and cutesy boxes of chocolate? seriously? If you say you're not one of them, flash-news news-flash honey, you're a little something that rhymes with the word BIAR. bazzzinga! but as cute as all those things may be, it just doesn't phase me. February fourteenth shouldn't be the only day out of the year that people go out of their way to demonstrate their love and appreciation for one-another. And no, you don't need huge ass stuffed bears and 150 dollar bracelets (although 150 dollar bracelets are never a bad thing for any occasion, wink, wink) to do so either. If you truly love someone this and that much, and value and appreciate them vastly, then you'll go out of your way to show them at least thrice a day (okay, now I'm exaggerating) but seriously, when you have that special person that sparks your life up more than any bottle of Stella Rose ever could, you should fill their lives with gestures proving so. Whenever you have that chance to, whenever you feel that desire to, when you know damn well "I love you" texts aren't sufficing that demonstration of the burning rampage inside of your heart, then, dearest darling, do something. Flatter your ever owing catalyst. After all, even the Jedi master of all Jedi masters (Oui, I'm talking about George Lucas) did so. May the (romantic) force (s) be with you, mate.

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