Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I'm such a bore.
I'm so shaky, and awkward.
My taste in music is phenomenal.
I don't like vulgar language
But fuck you. Fuck you very much.
I can't cook, more or so cos' I haven't really given it a try.
I miss out on a lot, cos' I don't always try.
I hate it. I realize it, and I hate it.
I'm at conflict with myself more than I'll ever be with another.
I was given free will, and it haunts me.
I like to be positive
I'm a good doer
But at times it wears me down.
I'm a mess.
I like to help others.
I like seeing other people happy.
I like seeing other people in love.
but I myself am quite bitter
fickle, I carry around a heaviness,
or perhaps it's just this time of month.
Yes, that is definitely it.
We all need to vent, sometimes.
Shake it off
Carry on
And lose control to the sound of disco.

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