Friday, November 25, 2011

I've never considered smoking a joint,
but if ever I did, It'd be with these two studs. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

If you stare intently and appreciatively 
at the star lite night above you,
there is a chance, this slight possibility,
that the heavens will unfold before your eyes.

And I never want to forget:
the late night walks alongside my mum...
and the way she'd tell me tales about the greatness of God.
Of how He knows the name to every single star...
And I never want to forget
how at that moment
I longed for nothing more than to be one.

If I were a song,

I'd want to sound as pretty as this.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here today, gone tomorrow

"Things disappear.
Sometimes things disappear as a result of an accident.
Sometimes neglect causes things to disappear.
Sometimes things are intentionally made to disappear...
but there's a chance most things don't disappear, they simply transform.
When things are transformed beyond recognition they are said to have disappeared."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So, he's in love with someone special in his many-the-miles away from here life.
I can live with that. I guess I have to.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trois ans plus tard, 
I am still irrevocably obsessed with you.
Dearest N Y L O N, thou art my truest love.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

la vit en blanche et noir,

has always seemed much more exquise.

Kiss me conspicuously underneath the mango tree.

This song breaks my heart every time I listen to it, 
and I guess in some odd way, 
that's what makes me love it that much more.

Well, my current status of life--
I guess it could be summed up in one simple word: change.
It kind of makes the inside of my stomach feel warm just thinking about it, how much change is currently taking place, and how much inevitable change is on its way. I often have those cinematic moments where I visualize myself standing still in a scene of ever-revolving life. You know, the one where everything and everyone is in inexplicable evolve, and you're in the center of it all reflecting on the time passing you by. I'm officially unemployed, I'm officially going to live one of my dreams of visiting New York (the two-way aero-plane tickets have been purchased!), there's less than two months before fall semester is over, there's a possibility that I'll be a bank tailor starting this upcoming new year (and the whole process of being interviewed and etc. terrifies the shit out of me), I have what I guess can be considered a "date" this Thursday (and it means quite a bit cos' I haven't been on one of those for far too long), my desire for starting my journalism career is taking it's toll on me, and I'm just ready to start taking some action. I've been partying quite a bit these past weeks, I had my first actual "drunk" experience and I enjoyed it, but I'm over it. My realization on the truth of matters is expanding, and it's getting clearer everyday that I really don't give a shit if I fit in or stand out. I want to live a prosperous life, I want to be a follower of God. I want to do good, and I want to be happy. I want to follow my somewhat obscure dreams, and I don't want to waste whatever time it is that I have on this fleeting earth weeping and wondering, and hoping without faith. I'm not sure where this path that I'm on is leading me, but I know it's leading me to where I'm destined to be. I know I may not make it to be a legend, and chances are historians will leave my name out of ten pound weighing books, but I genuinely don't care. The right people will come into my life when I need them, I'll fall irrevocably in love with the greatest man imaginable when I least expect it, the right doors will open up when they're destined to, and this world will spin madly on but everything will be just fine. I know God has a humble amount of special plans intended for me, and I'm excited for the journey of reaching them. I'm scared, nervous, anxious, stready, ready, and exited. This is the kind of feeling to live for. More than ever, I'm set forth on living. Living to be alive!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

And her dark brown eyes spoke loud and precise,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chanson du jour.

I get nervous when I see him,
It makes me anxious when I don't.
Knowing this makes me a bit unsettled.
Especially because he has no idea;
and possibly never will.

Monday, October 10, 2011

just, because.

So, as the whole world and their grandmamajoe's know, Beavis and Butt-head is finally coming back to television! I am beyond excited! I remember watching back-to-back episodes with my older sister as a kid. After several episode re-inactments, both of us eventually mastered the inevitable "huhhh huhh huh's," and "eh heh heh's." Beavis and Butt-head is just a classic, man. And with great luck, I was able to get a hold of one of their 1994 Rolling Stone College Special edition issues. I randomly decided to visit a local bookshop a few minutes away from home, and to my surprise, it was vintage magazine heaven! There I was finger-flipping through some issues of Rolling Stones when *heavenly sound effect* Beavis and Butt-head! Of course I had to bring it back home with me, regardless the fact that my room is starting to look more and more like a museum with all my hoarded findings. But, c'mon. How could anyone resist such a find? An even sweeter bonus, the store owner (which was super adorable, let me tell you. An about 70-something year old Italian women that held quite the conversation about her passion for vintage readings and trio music) apparently "digged" my personality and only ended up charging me two bucks for it. It will definitely be a hand-me-down to my children one day (whenever/if ever I have any.) Heck, I'll make sure to have children just to have my mini capsule of cool 1990's handed-down.


don't make me like you.

One - fifty (two)

1. Birds

2. Hands

3. Tea

4. Letters

5. Words

6. Dreams

7. The number Seven

8. Commas ,

9. Periods.

10. Radiohead

11. Nirvana

12. Camera Obscura

13. (Parenthesis)

14. parler dans français

15. hablar en español

16. secret crushes

17. unspoken-about-kisses

18. Zooey Deschannel

19. How I Met Your Mother

20. When will I ever meet your mother?

21. Questions?

22. Questions without answers.

23. Mysteries

24. Mysterious people

25. Odd people

26. Quiet people who listen to their I-pods 24/7

27. Denny's. cos' it's open 24/7.

28. The color blue:

29. like the sky,

30. and the sea.

31. not making sense to others,

32. but making sense to myself.

33. when others make no sense to me,

34. at all,

35. I become much more intrigued.

36. fancy words

37. worn-out shoes

39. skipping numbers

38. and making up for it afterwards

40. Old books that no one reads

41. Exposed diaries

42. watermelon,

43. with lemon.

44. faces,

45. freckles,

46. freckles on faces.

47. believing

48. that

49. everything will somehow

50. fall into place,

51. no matter what.

52. Oh, and Ending things in even numbers.

Have you ever,

been so happy 
that you could just die
and it wouldn't even matter?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"I'm alone on a bicycle for two."

Where is my mind?

So, I'm currently listening to a song called "Where is my mind" by the Pixels (hence the title of this post) and I thought to myself, hmm...what a good freaking question. I am literally like a mind on a stick (okay, not literally) and yes, that doesn't really make much sense. but the point here is, I am a non-stop thinker. I think way too much, of everything, and I mean everything. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Right now, I'm still in that what-the-hell-am-I-even-doing-here/ what's my purpose sort of phase. The more I grow, the more and more distant the answer to that question seems to get. I'm a college gal, I work, I'm in my last year of teenage-hood, and it all seems so obscure. Things used to seem so much simpler as a kid. I could have been a librarian, or a rock star, I could have been a freaking astronaut--and now, I feel so limited. But still, I want it. I want it all. It's like, fuck. I want to be a radio dj, and I want people to listen to real freaking music. I want to open a record store in the heart of a busy city, and forever carry on the talents of Thom Yorke, Bjork, and the Raconteurs. I want to write for fucking magazines, and reach out to all the odd, pigeon-toed, crooked smile underdogs. I want to learn how to paint, and make beautiful art pieces that my future grandchildren can hang in their early-twenties apartments. I want to learn how to play every single instrument possible, and make sweet passionate music. I want to be a chef, an actress, a fashion designer, a lover, a giver, a traveler, a maker--"I want to be one of these things first". and perhaps the trip that I'll (hopefuly, fingers-crossed) be taking to Boston this December will help me start it off.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One day, I'll give it up.
give it all up, and buy a one-way train ticket to the city of Chicago.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Twenty years from now,
I don't want to say the same.

No one knows where she comes from
Maybe she's a devil in disguise
I can tell by looking in her eyes.

Little miss strange
Little miss strange.

I don't want what you want
I don't feel what you feel
See I'm stuck in a city
But I belong in a field.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Love is so melancholic. 
Carousels twirl all around exited youth.
I do not mind
at all.
We’re tonight in a world full of thrills—it can come carry me up,
far above
it all.

It’s a long way down
from here
to the sound.
Watch the faces
go ‘round—
to the stars
then the ground.

Ferris wheels carried us away
not so long ago.
Times I’ve betrayed.
Where would we be now if I had taken your hand?
Well the years they pass by slow
don’t they?

It’s a long way down
from here
to the sound.
Watch the faces
go ‘round—
to the stars
then the ground.
haven't you heard?
some things don't need descriptions.

film du jour.

Krótki film o milosci (A Short Film About Love) (1988)

Monday, September 19, 2011

I agree with you, trust me, I do.
I am well aware that I post way too much music videos on here.
But c'mon, can you blame a gal? Music + Videos = love, man!
And talking about love, I think I might just be in love with Beirut.
Correction, I am utterly head-over-Chuck Taylor's for this dude!
He is so charming, too c h a r m i n g

press play >

I was fortunate enough to see this lovely band at FYF Fest this year,
and yesss, they are absolutely brilliant live!
It was an intimate, sardine-packed setting, and I loved every lasting minute of it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My hands are cold.
My nose is cold.
It's 7:25 PM.
I'm sitting at computer 420 (oh, geez) in my schools computer lab,
which happens to be located inside the schools library
(and if you know me, you know how much I love libraries.)
I'm listening to "I might be Wrong" by, yes, you guessed it :
R A D I O H E A D.
The computer lab instructor just announced that the computer lab
will be closing in exactly 15 minutes.
This little scenario that I just described--
the simple moment I happen to point and time be in right now,
I'll never have it again.
No matter how significant or insignificant a moment may be,
you only get it once.
You may come across doing the same thing day after day,
but it will never truly be the same passing twice.
Every-single-second of our lovely little lives are their own. Never ours.

" I will

Lay me down

In a bunker


I won’t let this happen to my children

Meet the real world coming out of your shell

With white elephants

Sitting ducks

I will

R I S E   U P. "

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm not trying to sound like a teen here
(although technically I still have a year left of it),
but people could be so damn frustrating, sometimes.
and unfortunately, I happen to be one of them.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

not that you asked.

I'm inside my cozy 'negrito' aka my mini black Ford Focus, parked in front of my usual chill spot Starbucks. My black and white baby doll shoes are off, I could feel some crumbs on the sole of my feet (I really need to stop eating drive-thru food in here), my windows are rolled down, there's a noisy motorcycle a few parking spots away from me, my lap-top is starting to feel warm atop my legs, and I'm currently listening to a jam called "Waste" by a band (which I hope you've heard of by now) called 'Foster The People'. They're gonna be in concert at a local-ish theater in a few months, I think I might just have to metro my way to and fro. (oh yes, I just said "to and fro".) Well, I feel absolutely ashamed and guilty of not spending as much time as I feel I should (and genuinely want to) on here. Actually, now that I think of it, I haven't really written much anywhere. Not in my journals, notebooks, work-receipts. Gah! I know, I must stop!
I vow to give more of me to the things I love, and blogging + writing = my two true loves. Speaking of love, how ironic is it that a song called "Love" just started playing right now? Very, right. Speaking of, since we've now shifted on that topic, I've yet to find any "love" compatibility with another. BUT, yes, the big BUT--I'm not worrying about it. As incredible as having a lover may be, I've come to this sort of acceptance that romance just isn't in my cards, at least not at this point and time in my life. Along with this acceptance, I've also concluded a theory. Perhaps, it is possible to be romantically and passionately involved with 'objects', just as it is with humans. So, it's safe to say, I'm absolutely taken. I'm in love with music, and literature, words, dreams, my aspirations, and nature. I always have been. Feelings I've had for certain people have faded, sad to say, but true. Relationships I've had, and friendships--they've lessened, some even to the point of disappearance. This unfortunately is a part of life, it happens--chances are these sort of things will always happen. but I don't fear sorrowfulness, for truly in my heart I believe that God put these 'objects' in life to help complete those hearts who don't necessarily have another heart to rely on. Music is my second heartbeat, poetry is my best friend, nature is my hope, notebooks are my listeners, and my dreams are my reminders to keep moving forward. I may find it someday. That fleshed "soulmate" may appear out of the blue when I least expect it, and I'll be absolutely grateful and appreciative when that day happens--but as for now, I'm still a full-hearted gal. and I'm trying my best, and loving every single little minute of my ever-fleeting relationshiped (if that's even a word?) life.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
- William Blake. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


His name is Tim, and there's something about him--
this rarity, delightful rarity.
Something so undeniably interesting about him.
The kind of interesting that arouses me to fantasize about how wonderful a conversation with him might be. 
With that put aside, this song has nothing to do with my fleeting thoughts of Tim.
 It's just beautiful, and entrancing.
I hope you like it, too.





Words are geographical."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

There's nothing

I dislike more than having a blank sheet of paper in front of me,
and having not the slightest idea what to write.
There's an English alphabet composed of 20 letters.
A Spanish alphabet composed of 27,
and a French alphabet composed of 26.
The worded possibilities are endless, yet I don't know what to w r i t e.
Lack of inspiration is rather over-whelming. Pretty terrifying, aussi.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Bonjour there lovely bloggers! Well, like I've previously stated before, I am in firm belief that not many people come across my worded ramblings. If anything, none might ever come across reading this post--but regardless, I have to be honest, I use this whole blog spot as a sort of personal interweb journal. It's a mini personal time-capsule I'll be able to look back upon someday. Of course, I have actual journals--many, in fact. but, heck. Why not have more than one thought capturing connection? So, I haven't posted much here in a while, and it's mainly--nope, it's A L L due to the fact that I am in lack of an internet connection at home. Hard economic times come with their consequences. Okay, things aren't that bad, but if little things such as saving some cash from canceling a monthly Time Warner Internet bill can help, it's only reasonable to do so. Straying away from the whole economic bull-shit topic; I'm actually at a library right now. Yes, my first young adult visit to a public library. And by first young adult visit, I mean--I drove here in my own car, legally--with the driving license I finally received in the mail this past week. It's my day off from work, and the library is one of the few ideal places that comes to mind in terms of relaxation and entertainment. It feels good, that bit taste of independence. I'm growing, and the more I grow, the more I'll be able to do stuff on my own. That's a no-brainer of course. It's all a bit nerve-wrecking to me sometimes. Most times, actually. There are mornings where I wake up, and I have to remind myself to breath. It is all coming and going so fast--life. It's like this swift chaotic blur. Once upon a time I was this child eating macaroni kid cuisine dinners while lying down on the living-room carpet, watching back-to-back episodes of Lizzie McGuire. and now I'm this young woman who graduated high school a year ago, goes to college, pays for her own gas, and has no idea how to follow her list of impossible dreams. The carpet from the living-room has been replaced with tile, Disney Channel no longer airs Lizzie McGuire, and this past Sunday I seen the first sign of actual aging on my dad--a bald spot is forming on the back of his head full of hair, and I really don't know how that should make me feel. I mean, I don't exactly feel crappy or anything, but I feel sort of stuck. That's not even a fitting word for what I feel, actually. It's pretty damn indescribable. All these thoughts and emotions run in-and-through me, and the most I can do about them is just sit here at this lovely silent library and type.
Type away, as if that could somehow change something.
 I wonder, what will life be like tomorrow? The next day?
Forty-one years and twenty-nine days from now?
 and will I still feel this anxious?
Time will tell. Time tells all---
and that's what keeps me on the edge.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2: 27 A M.

Sometimes, all I want to do is run.
Get the breath knocked right outta me, and feel.
Feel the linger of life breeze through the air--
across my knotted hair, upon my ivory skin.
It's about thirty past two,
it's morning but it's dark,
and I can't sleep.
I w a n t t o  r  u  n.

All I really ask for,

is someone interesting, intriguing--
is that really too much to ask?
Are my desires sincerely too vague?
I want conversations about nothing,
about the meanings behind e v e r y t h i n g.
I want to sit in silence upon a hill that overlooks half of the city,
with a h u m a n who see's beauty in branches and stones.
h u m a n.
Is there any human out there who can appreciate my silly mind?
Who can ignore my manic heart?
If There's a human out there, s o m e w h e r e,
who will bother to read between my lines--

Where art thou?
Where art thou now?
Please, come soon. 

(and the whole 'art thou' thing is just a touch of exaggeration, by the way. C'mon, no one talks like that anymore. If Shakes were still around, he probably wouldn't either.)

x  o  x   o .

Friday, June 17, 2011


This song makes me want to fall in love, only to get heart broken.
It's so devastatingly--b e a u t i f u l.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I want to do it all.

E v e r y t h i n g.
I want to direct a film that will reach out to the troublesome for generations to come.
I want to write a book that will be held in the heart of an anonymous for years after my death.
I want to learn to paint, and set my thoughts out on a canvas.
I want to climb the second highest mountain in the world.
I want to play a set of seven acoustic songs
under a starry night at a city park,
a set that will reach relation to the twelve listeners there.
I want to fall in love with a stranger for a night, just a night,
and proceed with normality the next day.
I want to take a midnight train ride, just myself, my journal,
a blue-ink pen, a Polaroid 600--
and flee to Chicago's Newberry.
I want to cry inside the waters of the ocean, so I can literally swim in my own tears.
I want to go to Paris, and eat a bowl of spaghetti.
I want to go to Geneva, and for a few seconds,
view life through Laura Marling's manic eyes.
I want to dance endlessly for three nights straight, in the middle of a deserted forest with all my friends.
I want to have the best conversation of my life with the person I'd least expect to.
I want to-- I want to stop wanting so much.
it'll eventually drive me sane.

Do you ever feel this way, too?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Citation du jour:

"But hurry, let's entwine ourselves as one, 
our mouth broken, our soul bitten by love, 
so time discovers us safely destroyed."
— Federico García Lorca

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Me gustan.

c h a n g e.

I slept on the opposite side of my bed last night, 
to prove myself that I'm not afraid of change.
Came the start of another morning,
I felt accomplished to still be alive. Better yet, alive and rested.
Ironically it seems, that as I stood up--my bed fell apart, literally. 
A few inches away from my feet, in front of my face, 
the delicate wooden covert took its last toll and collapsed.
All I'm left with now is a box spring and a mattress, 
but man oh man does it feel good. 
I survived the crashing start of a changing day, 
and that dear listener, feels good.

m e m o i r s.

I want to capture it.
I want to capture it all.
I want to capture it all in black and white.
Your smile, the slightly visible violet creases under your eyes.
Our first time interlocking fingers
during that summer evening walk in 92'.
The city, its streetlights, the pond in Griffith park.
That time you accidentally spilled your hot tea on my woven sweater. 
The knots in your hair before getting out of bed.
The steam of our starting mornings---
coffee pot on the stove, traveling train outside our kitchen window...
Our third midnight phone-call conversation.
The rush of being young and in-run, not thinking about love--
I want to capture it, in black and white.
The moments when everything was new,
when every little thing felt exciting.
I want to capture us, our hours full of static and color,
and save them in my memory of black and white.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


The more I listen to this song, the more I fall in love it
The video is amazing ---
And Yannis? Well, he's a fucking beauty.
F o a l s  is just all around a m a z i n g.

"So I walked through to the haze
And a million dirty waves
Now I see you lying there
Like a lilo, losing air...air
Black rocks on the shoreline surf
Still that summer I cannot bear
And I wipe the sand from my eyes--

It's the Spanish Sahara, the place that you'd wanna
leave the horror...
Forget the horror here
Forget the horror here
Leave it all down here...

It's future rust and then it's future dust--

Now the waves, they drag you down,
Carry you to broken ground.
Though I'll find you in the sand,
Wipe you clean with dirty hands.
So god damn this boiling space--
It's the Spanish Sahara, the place that you'd wanna
leave the horror...

Forget the horror here
Forget the horror here
Leave it all down here
It's future rust and it's future dust--

I'm the fury in your head
I'm the fury in your bed
I'm the g h o s t in the back of your head,
Cause I am...

I'm the fury in your head
I'm the fury in your bed
I'm the ghost in the back of your head,
Cause I am."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Note to self:

I want a man to wrap me up in his arms like this, s o m e d a y.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

t i m e .

It seems as if a year passes by in forty seconds.

I want to see forty seconds pass by in a year, for a change.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I bought a new Journal last night. It was on sale at Borders.
but the "$5.99" sticker on its front cover isn't the reason why I did so.
I swear, I felt this sort of magnetism pull me towards it.
It's as if, it's already coated with my synthetic words.
It's there. My words, thoughts, captured youth--
all I need to do is decode it. Unravel it.
Like some sort of obscured time-capsule.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An answer.

"Well, I like dried cranberries (I'm actually eating some as I type this), the smell of books, the sound of rain,
I very much enjoy going to old thrift-stores--
I like making up stories of whom the items there used to belong to. 
I like freckles, I think they're beautiful. and the color blue-- 
stamps and postcards, vinyl and type-writers,
the way ice-cream feels when it melts in my mouth. 
I like a lot of things. 
I like it when people ask me to tell them about the things I like."

And he never wrote back, after that...

Monday, May 30, 2011


Everybody thinks my head's full of nothin,
Wants to put his special stuff in,
Fill the space with candy wrappers,
Keep out sex and revolution,
But there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.
They call me a dupe of this and the other,
Call me a puppet on a string, they,
They don't know my head's full of me
And that I have my own special thing,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.
I have lived since early childhood
Figuring out what's going on, I,
I know what hurts, I know what's easy,
When to stand and when to run,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.
So please stop shouting in my ear, there's
Something I want to listen to, there's
A kind of birdsong up somewhere, there's
Feet walking the way I mean to go,
And there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.
Everybody thinks my head's full of nothin,
Wants to put his special stuff in,
Fill the space with candy wrappers,
Keep out sex and revolution,
But there's no hole in my head.
Too bad.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Note to self:

I   B E L O N G   IN    N E W   Y  O R  K   C I T Y!

I guess I've always known this, ever since elementary school. Fourth grade, to be exact.
I remember this kid I had the hugest crush on
(I won't say his full name for just-in-case-he-himself-ever-reads-this-I-won't-be-totally-embarrassed purposes) his last name was Newborn; Yes, my crush was so profound to the point that + 9 years later I still remember his last name--back to the point though, this blue eyed blond haired Andrew--I mean, Newborn, is the one I owe sincere gratitude for introducing my spark of interest to New York City. When we came back to school from our two-week Winter break, our teacher, Ms. Larroy, asked us to share with the class what we had done over our Winter break. Out of all the "Visits to the North Pole", "eating Oreo's and drinking a glass of Krudsen 2% with Santa Clause", and "almost falling down the edge of a cliff while hiking up a mountain at Big Bear" stories, (okay, maybe some of those are made-up) there was a story-share that absolutely blew me away. Yes, it was Newborn's of course; but it wasn't just because he was like the Jake Ryan [you got it right, Sixteen Candle's reference!] of my childhood--not at all. It was the actual descriptions that he gave about his trip to this, at the time unfamiliar New York city, that made my brain go wild with intrigue. He told us about all the humongous buildings there were, and how busy the streets were, and how he'd encountered the most delicious pizza of his life there, and he even showed us pictures he'd taken of the Statue of Liberty. I wasn't sure how, or when, but I knew that one day I would go to this so called NYC, and experience all its magic, and delicious pizza, for myself. Imagine that, this was my mentality as a Tweety-watch-wearing, pig-tailed fourth-grader. With time--countless-research, NYC film-watching, NYC photograph-looking, NYC blog-scouting,  NYC based magazines-reading, and an accessible amount of NYC awareness later; this aspiration was nevertheless bound to grow a severe amount. It just seems so magical to me--a city full of hopes, adventures, dreams. All the movement--street lights, cabs, subways. The fashion, music, food, parks, libraries. How it seems to be just as A L I V E during the night as it is during the day--I want that. I want it all. If it's possible to fall in love with a stranger, is it possible to fall in love with something, in my case--a city, before truly actually getting to experience it? That probably sounds confusing--but you get me, right? I feel so drawn to that City. I've never been there, but the day I finally do, it's as if I know what to expect. I feel it, in my heart--I'll want to stay there and never come back. It's time I officially announce, to the world (who will probably never read this) and to myself--starting this Friday's paycheck, my save-up for my destined life in the Big Apple, begins.

CLICK IT, or miss it.


Hear the story behind 
this lovely photo of miss Bridgette Bardot
by clicking the link below:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The wayfarer.

Picture me running--
through sun-baked valley's,
in search of an image that once was my own.
Picture me fleeing this damned mellow city,
in pursuit of a passion only found past brick walls.
Picture me dancing through fields of tall grass,
one step after another, relinquishing the past.
Imagine with eyes closed-- the sense of my frustration,
as I resume the pulse within me and retain from hesitation.
Picture me dearly, picture me so,
Picture the moments I said we'd never part.
Picture me leaving, picture me gone--
Demolish the image of my flesh, the sound of my breath.
Accept these words of credence--
acknowledge with your heart,
I'm running for the sake of freedom,
for the will to carry-on.
Storms come, I'll keep on running,
until day and night convert to one--
I elope, not to forsake you,
but to transcend the convicted doubt of hope.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Save up all the days,
A routine malaise.
Just like yesterday,
I told you I would stay.

Would you always,
Maybe sometimes,
Make it easy,
Take your time.

Think of all the ways,
Momentary phase.
Just like yesterday,
I told you I would stay.

Every time you try,
Quarter half the mile.
Just like yesterday,
I told you I would stay.

Would you always,
Maybe sometimes.
Make it easy--
Take your time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


not as deep as you think.
when you fall eight-teen feet under,
and tremble as you speak.
You're not as strong as you thought,
you push and you thrust,
but it's never enough.
You're weak, defeated,
your body lacks strength,
your mind lacks coherency,
your heartbeat sounds faint.

Why do you stay here?
Why do you wait?
So defenseless, so restless,
too fragile, bound to make mistakes.
What's your stance?
Which pursuits do you portray?
Oh, sincere man! I ask you from my grave,
How much time,
lows and highs--
How much more of life can you sustain?